Due to the fact that I enjoy and highly recommend this album, I posted it on this blog. That way, the public might become aware of it and consequently listen to it as well
The National, according to Channing, are the best indie band out there. And they have a new album coming out in May that has serious potential to be the best thing to come out in 2010. I mean judging from this performance and the new single "Blood Buzz Ohio", The National are soon to take over the world. Stay ahead of the game by picking up Boxer and listening to Mr. November (off 'Alligator,' the previous album) over and over again until you're as psyched as I am.
Note: I am providing the buy link on the offchance she is surfing the webs, and comes here and sees it being posted, and by that token finds me utterly irresistible, and we run off together and...just leave me to my fantasies and buy
Contrary to popular belief, this is not the album cover. Ain't I hilarious? Anyway, The Wild Hunt is an frickin amazing. The song-writing and guitarwork are absolutely top of the line and the final effect is mind-blowing, so get this album fo sho
I don't give half a shit if you didn't like the movie, the soundtrack is great (aside from relying on "that one melody" a bit much.) It's anything but elementary herp derp joke
The links on this blogs have not been uploaded by the contributors. Downloaded albums are your own responsibility, and it is expected that you delete the album after a short period of time.
In other words, go out and get what you think is good.
Also, leave a comment from time to time because we need to know how gay we are