
Richard Cheese - I'd Like a Virgin

Dick Cheese, in his own words, takes popular songs and "swankifies" them. This is awesome and hilarious (and after 4 months has not gotten old yet.)

lounge against the machine

1 comment:

  1. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=399430282028

    This is a message directly from Richard Cheese & Lounge Against The Machine band (note the 'approved by richard cheese' at the bottom) asking their fans to not piracy or redistribute their music.

    "Giving away our music for free does NOT result in more CD sales for us; it just takes money away from our band, and makes it impossible to stay in business. It also takes money out of the pockets of the original song writers/publishers, to whom we dutifully pay a royalty for each CD we sell. Swindling money from these individuals is not fair or cool."

    I take it as a favour to them that you remove this link, or at least stop being a hypocrite.
